A general rule: half a nori sheet, 80g sushi rice placed with a 2cm gap across the top; the cucumber should be 1cm square long strips - then it should work out fine (probably).
Hot cooked rice, Sushi vinegar, Nori sheets, Cucumber
Just put everything in one frying pan and cook for a quick and tasty dish!
Beef , Tofu (firm), Leek, Chestnut mushrooms (medium), Konjac potato noodles (optional), Chinese leaf (or bok choy leaf), Seasonings:, Granulated sugar, Soy sauce, Mirin, Sake or white wine, Dashi stock granules, Hot water
Very simple and easy but looks so professional and beautiful because of the round mould you make it in.
Avocado, Tofu, Spring onion, Smoked salmon slices, Lemon juice, Mayonnaise, Wasabi, [Sauce], Dashi broth, Mirin, Light soy sauce, Potato starch in a bit of water
Prawns with shell on, Onion, Red and Yellow Pepper, Green beans, Garlic, Ginger, Lemongrass, Sauce:, Japanese soy sauce, Mirin, Sake, Chilli sauce, Curry powder, Lime juice, Coconut milk
The crunchiness of the water chestnuts really gives this dish a great texture.
Chicken thigh, Tinned water chestnuts, Yellow pepper, Green pepper, Red pepper, Onion, Miso (red), Chinese chilli bean sauce, Mirin, Chicken stock granules, Sesame oil, Soy sauce, Sugar, Water, Potato starch in a bit of water
Mushrooms (shimeji, oyster or ordinary), Cooked rice, Sauce:, Soy sauce, Crushed sesame, Green laver , Potato starch in a bit of water, Sesame oil, Dashi stock, Seasonings:, Sake, Mirin, Ginger juice, Your favourite toppings (half-boiled eggs or nori)
Make an egg-white meringue to make a really light and fluffy dish.
Chicken thigh or breast, Salt & pepper, Potato starch or conrnflour, ●Soy sauce, ●Mirin, ●Sake or white wine, ●Sugar, ●Dashi powder, ●Water, Onion (small), Spring onions, Eggs (medium), Cooked rice
You can get sprats in the supermarket in the autumn and winter. The bones are edible as they're such small fish.
Sprats, Turnip or mooli, Your favourite mushrooms, Rice flour with salt, Oil for frying, Spring onions or chives, A, Dashi broth, Light brown sugar, Soy sauce, Sake
Chicken breast fillet (medium), ▼Sugar, ▼Honey, ▼Soy sauce, ▼Chicken stock granules, ▼Lemon juice, Water, Chicken stock granules, Flour, Egg, ▽Mirin, ▽Sake (or white wine), ▽Soy sauce, Potato starch in a bit of water
This has a delicious thick sauce with green laver and shrimps.
Seabass fillets, Dried shiitake mushrooms, Spring onions, Kombu seaweed, Green laver, Dashi broth, Soy sauce, Mirin, Sake, Ginger juice, Potato starch in a bit of water, Sea salt
Just simmer the chicken with dashi and seasonings and get a lovely sweet sticky sauce that will lovingly coat the rice...mmm, delicious!
Chicken breast or thighs, Flour, Potato starch, Salt, Vegetable oil, Dashi stock, Soy sauce, Mirin or sugar, Cooked rice, Your favourite vegetables or pickles
This recipe doesn't use chilli bean sauce, the spiciness comes from the pickled green chilli peppers.
Pickled green chilli peppers (medium hot), Carrot (medium), Green beans, Swede, Minced Pork, Tofu, Chicken stock, Soy sauce, Sake (or white wine), Mirin, Sesame oil, Miso (red), Sugar, Potato starch in a bit of water
You get a whole new view with this piled-up chicken dish.
Tomato, Chicken thighs with skin on , Cream cheese, Salt & pepper, Potato starch or cornflour, To make the sauce, Light soy sauce, Mirin, Sugar, Sake, Garlic, Sesame seeds
Just three main ingredients - so quick and easy but so delicious!
Lettuce, Tofu (firm), Egg, Chicken stock, Soy sauce, Mirin, Sake, Chinese chilli bean sauce, Noodle broth (mentsuyu), Sesame oil, Potato starch in a bit of water
You won't believe how sweet the leeks taste in this dish.
Leek, Minced chicken, Carrot, Green beans, Shimeji mushrooms, Dashi stock, Potato starch in a bit of water, Seasonings:, Soy sauce, Sake, Mirin, Ginger (grated)
White asparagus & juice (in a jar), Soya milk (or cow's milk), Egg (large), Miso (white), Salt, Chicken breast fillet and prawns, Thick sauce:, Asparagus juice (from the jar), Dashi broth, Light soy sauce, Mirin, Potato starch in a bit of water