“ bonito ” 43 Results

The combination of mushrooms, pickles, garlic and bacon really gets your appetite flowing.
Pasta, Takana pickles (or jalapenos), Mushrooms (such as eringi), Bacon rashers, Garlic, Olive oil, Soy sauce, Bonito flakes pack, Sesame oil & chilli oil
Super simple but quite trendy.
Mozzarella cheese, Bonito flakes, Soy sauce, Chives, Extra virgin olive oil, Wasabi
Improve the standard basic pancake dish by adding rice.
Vegetable oil, Unsmoked streaky bacon rashers, Okonomiyaki sauce, Mayonnaise, Bonito flakes, Green laver, Pancake:, Cooked rice, Cabbage, Spring onions, Self raising flour, Eggs, Water, Tinned sweetcorn, Cheddar cheese
Enjoy the sweet aroma of the walnuts.
Roasted walnuts, 【A】, Soy sauce, Brown sugar, Mirin, Water, Starch syrup (or Golden Syrup), Nori sheets, Bonito flakes, Sesame seeds
Once you know the ratio of the ingredients, you can make this easily every time.
Water, Soy sauce, Mirin, Bonito flakes
Japan meets Italy...a super tasting sushi made with the addition of basil leaves.
Cooked rice, Sushi vinegar, Bonito flakes, Soy sauce, Mozzarella cheese, Prosciuto, Basil leaves
Keep the texture of the cauliflower by boiling lightly and mix with the bonito flakes and sesame oil to give a lovely flavour.
Cauliflower, Spring onion, Bonito flakes, Cayenne pepper, A Sesame oil, A Soy sauce, A Mirin
This recipe uses the kombu and bonito flakes left over from making a traditional dashi broth. Let's not waste them.
Used kombu and bonito flakes, Spring onions, Soy sauce, Mirin, Water, Fried tofu (abura age)
A delicious salad or side dish with fiery wasabi.
Mooli (daikon), Salt, Pickled plum (umeboshi), Noodle broth (mentsuyu, concentrated), Wasabi, Bonito flakes (optional), Sesame seeds (optional)
Good for a light bite or a bento lunchbox.
Pickled young spring greens , Natto, Egg, Ginger, Cooked rice, Soy sauce, Spring onions, Bonito flakes if you like
This is a really healthy and simple dish which is not hot at all.
Wasabi leaves, Pickled plums, Bonito flakes, Noodle broth (mentsuyu), White sesame seeds