Broccoli 38 Items

Never waste the broccoli stalk - it's so sweet and delicious!
Broccoli stalk, Carrots, Parsnip, Sake, Dashi stock (hondashi), Dried chilli, Sugar, Soy sauce, Mirin
The sourness of the yuzu really enhances the freshness of this sauce.
Firm tofu, Cauliflower, Carrots, Broccoli, Sauce:, Miso, Sugar, Yuzu juice, Mayonnaise
Throw in any vegetables into a muffin tray and pour in beaten eggs - a quick and nutritious snack!
Broccoli florets, Mushrooms, Carrot, Potatoes (medium), Bacon rashers, Salt & pepper for the vegetables, Eggs, Salt & pepper for the omelette, Olive oil, Butter
Don't throw away the broccoli stalk - it's often sweeter than the florets and is full of nutrients!
Broccoli stalks, Sesame oil, Soy sauce, Salt, Chilli oil, Sesame seeds
Don't waste any part of the broccoli! In fact, it's actually delicious in itself!
Broccoli stalks, Salt, Sushi vinegar, Sesame oil, Ginger, Chilli powder
In this recipe, there's lots of broccoli which is full of vitamins B, C, carotene and iron - all good cancer-preventing properties.
Broccoli, Garlic, Anchovy fillets, Dried chillis, Sundried tomatoes, Olive oil, Parmigiano reggiano (optional), Fusilli pasta
A light refreshing dish.
Duck breast fillet, Potato (medium), Carrot, Leek, Broccoli, Sauce:, Dashi broth, Sake, Light soy sauce, Mirin, Salt, Potato starch in a bit of water
Works well as a snack or in a bento lunchbox.
Tuna (tinned, in oil), Broccoli, Potato, Egg yolk, Parmigiano reggiano (grated), Salt & pepper, Flour, Beaten egg, Breadcrumbs, Vegetable oil for frying, Tomato sauce (optional)
I made lots of this salad, it's low in sugar and high in protein. It takes around 10 minutes to prepare, so you can easily make this as a side dish.
Broccoli (medium), Onion, Tinned sweetcorn (small), Smoked mackerel fillet, Boiled eggs, Mayonnaise
Really delicious when eaten hot with a cold yogurt curry sauce.
Broccoli florets, Cheddar cheese, Cured ham slices, Nori sheet, Spring roll wrappers (small), Flour & water, Vegetable oil for frying, Yogurt Curry Sauce, Yogurt, Mayonnaise, Curry powder, Salt & pepper
It's easy - put all the ingredients onto a tray and into the oven.
Sirloin steak , Salt & pepper, Tofu (firm), Onion (medium), Leek, Chestnut mushrooms, Broccoli, Eggs, 【Sauce】, Noodle broth concentrate (mentsuyu), Sake, Soy sauce, Granulated sugar, Water