“ moviebuzz ” 64 Results

The inviting and intricate fragrances of baking bread and basil pesto combine to set an expectation that can only be met by a slice of Pesto Bread. This bread, with a brilliant green tint from the pesto, will impress your friends with the powerful burst of flavor and wonderful crust. See how to make.
Every culture around the world has some type of flatbread that dates back to the oldest recorded history. One popular flatbread with a Naan which was first recorded by an Indian poet back in 1300 AD. Naan is traditionally made in a tandoor oven with very high heat. You can make a homemade version
A frittata is the perfect dish for breakfast or brunch because it can be made with a huge array of ingredients. It also makes excellent leftovers so that you can make several days’ worth of breakfast at once. The pairing of green and red bell peppers with cheese curds combine with the savory eggs t
Does it look like you’ve been watching a super sad movie and crying over your cutting board when chopping onions? In this video from POV Italian Cooking, Amber Williams shares her tip to preventing tears while cutting an onion
Brasato al Barolo is savoury, tender beef slowly braised in a rich and full-flavoured Italian wine. Watch now to see how to make this dish in the latest video from POV Italian Cooking.